Health News - Page 315

Tip Do not throw away Fresh cream can also be frozen

Do not just throw it away: you can also freeze fresh creamAlmost everyone knows the problem from the local kitchen:...

Tinnitus What can help against chronic ringing?

Behavioral therapies and co - What can help those affected by tinnitus Almost every person has already experienced ear noises....

Tinnitus and hearing loss Diving, swimming, flying - what should be considered?

Anyone who suffers from tinnitus needs "holidays for the ears", as the saying goes. That's why tinnitus patients should be...

Tinnitus therapies What helps against ringing ear whistles?

Many people in the world suffer from chronic noises in their earsThe term tinnitus is a disease in which people...

Tinnitus stress is not always the trigger

New concept focuses on individual treatment 08/28/2012 If it rings permanently in the ears or continuous buzzing for a long...

Tinnitus The test in the head - the stress ringtone constantly in the ear

Little free time, lots of homework and thinking about the upcoming exams: more and more pupils are suffering from stress...

Tinder Context Dating apps provoke more venereal diseases

Tinder & Co: Dating apps lead to more venereal diseasesA well-known British sexologist warns against the increase in sexually transmitted...

Tiger mosquitoes in Germany transmit infectious diseases

Tiger mosquito proved in Germany: dangerous mosquitoes on the riseAlthough mosquito bites are generally harmless in this country, meanwhile mosquito...

Tiger mosquitoes bring fever virus to Europe

Chikungunya: mosquitoes bring virus to Europe02/26/2014 Experts are currently warning that several Chikungunya infections have been registered in the Caribbean....