Health News - Page 254

Judgment Skin color may not be a criterion for police control

OVG Koblenz alleges infringement of non-discrimination Koblenz (law). The police must not control people because of their skin color. This...

Verdict Genetically high breast cancer risk may be a disease

Federal Administrative Court: Preventive treatment conceivableAn increased breast cancer risk due to familial bias and a gene mutation can be...

Verdict money for dentures may also be due without signature

BGH makes exception in faithful behaviorKarlsruhe (jur). Patients must pay a high proportion of their own dental treatment in individual...

Judgment against anesthetist again postponed

Judgment against anesthetist again postponed. Has an anesthetist violated due diligence and thus provoked the death of a two-year-old child?...

Judgment against wrong cosmetic surgeon

31-year-old false doctor is due to multiple fraud in court  In the case of the man who falsely claimed to...

Judgment against pharmacists for drug fraud

Two years probation for fraudulent pharmacists 12/08/2011 The Lübeck district court sentenced a pharmacist to two years' imprisonment on probation...

Judgment Women are again subject to dispute over PIP breast implants

OLG Karlsruhe rejects lawsuit against surgeon and insuranceKarlsruhe (jur). In the dispute over the cheap industrial silicone filled breast implants...

Verdict tax office does not reward own payment of medical expenses

FG Stuttgart: Private insured refund is fully creditedPrivately insured persons who pay for medical expenses themselves with the aim of...

Judgment Family bonding takes precedence over physical paternity

BGH: Regulation is constitutionalSocial-family ties of a child take precedence over the physical paternity. It is not constitutionally objectionable, according...