Health News - Page 240

Vegan or animal? Lecithin consists mostly of vegetable products

Diet: Lecithin as an additive mostly from plant sourcesThe E-numbers given on food packaging are often confusing to many consumers....

Vegans live for moral and ethical reasons

Vegan nutrition is not just a private matter 09/19/2014 Vegan diet is in vogue. Nevertheless, it is often discussed controversially....

Vegan Baked egg instead of banana and flax seed in the pastry

Vegan substitute: banana and flaxseed replaced egg in pastryGood hosts, of course, want to avoid faux pas when vegans come...

Vegan-friendly cafeteria awarded

Which university cafeteria is the vegan-friendly01/11/2014 The „St. Paul - Veggie Zone“ The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg was voted the vegan-friendly cafeteria...

Vegan author loving dogs and eating pigs

Vegan author: Why we love dogs, but eat pigs Vegetarian and vegan diet has long been on everyone's lips. The...

VDK rejects capitation of health insurances

The social association VdK energetically rejects a capitation at the health insurances: "Rent-zero rounds and capitation are incompatible". (30.04.2010) The...

VDK head rate makes patients insecure

Head rate makes people insecure: VdK President Mascher: "Low earners and pensioners are the losers" The social association VdK Germany...

VdK coalition breaks in before the employer lobby

VdK: Coalition collapses before parts of the employer lobby: Waiver of legal entitlement in the family care period disadvantaged caring...

VdK calls for poverty reduction program

VdK calls for poverty reduction programSocial Union VdK sees its position confirmed by UN analysis 06/07/2011 "Poverty reduction must be...