Health News - Page 206

Many chemicals increase breast cancer risk

Study names 17 chemicals that could cause breast cancer05/13/2014 Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women in Germany....

Many cases of vomiting Unexpectedly drastic onset of norovirus time in Germany

Contagious vomiting diarrhea: norovirus season starts very early this year and violentDiarrhea, nausea, giddy vomiting: In recent weeks, quite a...

Many workers return to their old job after a burn-out

Working after the burn-out: Many return to their old jobDue to the increasing workload, more and more people experience a...

Many workers go to work sick

DAK study: Majority of employees also go to work sick 09/26/2014 Many workers go to work in spite of illness,...

Many antibiotic-resistant germs in the sausage

Green: 16 percent of the sausage burdened with antibiotic-resistant ESBL germs 05/21/2014 In a study commissioned by the parliamentary group...

Many workers are prone to higher alcohol consumption

Who works a lot tends to higher alcohol consumption02/18/2015 People who work a lot tend to drink more alcohol. This...

Far too many Germans find alcohol in pregnancy justifiable

Alcohol for pregnant women: Almost one in five thinks that occasional drinking is okayAlthough it has long been known that...

Too much salt salt in food often way too high

High salt intake increases the blood pressureThe relationship between salt intake and blood pressure are clear: A high salt intake...

Too much fat instead of healthy body mass - from then overweight can be dangerous

Obese people are overly stigmatized and marginalized in Germany. Obesity is considered a disease. But new studies show that this...