Health News - Page 2047

AOK stands up against a premium refund

Health insurance AOK defends distribution of surpluses in the form of premiums 05/29/2012 The AOK refuses to use existing surpluses...

AOK launch of the electronic health card

AOK sends electronic health cards 08/10/2011 The Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse AOK Bayern has sent almost half a million of the new...

AOK Report shows 190,000 errors in clinics

„AOK Hospital Report“ reports problems with every 100th treatment 01/21/2014 Anyone who seeks treatment in a hospital should be able...

AOK checks thousandfold recipe fraud

Thousands of pharmacists calculate wrong medication 19/08/2011 The general local health insurance (AOK) has come to a comprehensive prescription fraud...

AOK practice closures in major cities demanded

AOK boss: calls for practice closures in major cities11/11/2014 The head of the AOK Federal Association, Jürgen Graalmann, has demanded...

AOK plus grades for doctors

AOK plus: School grades for physicians: From January 2011, patients can rate their doctors. (08.09.2010) The Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse AOK plus...

AOK Plus declares merger

The AOK Plus (comprising AOK Sachsen and Thürungen has canceled the planned merger with the AOK Hessen.) The AOK Plus...

AOK Plus homeopathy benefits instead of premium

Instead premium premium homeopathy at the AOK Plus 06/19/2012 The general local health insurance AOK Plus plans to spend around...

AOK plans censorship for doctors

In an online survey, the health insurance AOK wants to award censorship for home and specialist doctors. (07.09.2010) AOK health...