Health News - Page 2015

Living at Hartz IV level In East Germany, there is a threat of a massive increase in old-age poverty

Despite a strong pension increase: in the east there is a threat of a sharp increase in old-age poverty Already...

Pay attention to these saturation signals So babies learn a healthy eating behavior

Set the course early: How children learn healthy eating habitsSoup Caspian and Zappelphilipp: Even centuries ago, literati dealt with the...

Patient-matched diabetes therapy

EADS Congress: Diabetes treatment should be better adapted to the patient 02/10/2012 At the 48th Annual Meeting of the European...

Towards better detection of Alzheimer's disease

Improved early detection of Alzheimer'sEarly diagnosis can bring significant benefits to patients in Alzheimer's. Because the disease is so far...

Even little alcohol not healthy

Even low alcohol is unhealthy: Myth a glass of wine is healthy 01/14/2014 Nobody should deny a glass in honor....

Also many women snore

Nocturnal noises not only a men's problem 08.11.2012 Stubborn is the rumor that only men with excess weight or snoring...

UVA radiation also causes skin cancer

UV radiation: Doubling of the skin cancer rate expected in Europe 05/08/2012 Recent studies have shown that UV-A radiation carries...

Even tobacco-free hookahs can endanger your health

Harmful substances in tobacco-free hookahsThat smoking is unhealthy, should probably be known to everyone. According to some experts, hookah smoking...

Sport can also become a dangerous addiction

Sports addiction: When people get up extra to walk at nightIt is healthy to do sports regularly. Among other things,...