Health News - Page 201

Many dietary supplements contain risky non-authorized active pharmaceutical ingredients

Dietary supplement with dangerous side effects? Many people use so-called nutritional supplements. One study shows that nearly 800 dietary supplements...

Many have to retire earlier because of stress

For health reasons, many workers retire before they retire from their working life 8.8. Stress and work overload make more...

Many people spread by insufficient hand washing pathogens in the living room

How important is the right washing of the hands? There are a number of dangerous bacteria in our kitchens, many...

Many people suffer from autumn-winter blues

One in five suffers from the fall-winter blues 10/13/2011 Autumn is now showing its true face after the warm days....

Many people live in constant stress at work

Almost every worker in Germany, nine in ten, suffers from stress at work. This was the result of a recent...

Many people have already saved their lives by e-cigarette?

Opportunities and risks of e-cigarettesBecause long-term experience is still lacking, a medical evaluation of the consumption of e-cigarettes is difficult...

Many medications are unnecessary

Many medications are unnecessary. (14.06.2010) Numerous drugs on the drug market are superfluous. The new head of the Institute for...

Many drugs obviously without added benefit

Medications without added benefit are prescribed too often02/17/2015 Doctors in Germany prescribe too many drugs without a proven added value...

Many medications have not been tested for children

Medication: Fifty percent of the drugs not specifically tested for children 09/15/2013 Around half of all medicines taken by young...