Health News - Page 1942

Overweight Low-energy diet with normal satiety promotes weight loss

Sufficient calories to absorb less calories Scientific studies have shown that subjects who have dieted with specific foods have a...

Obesity, according to studies permanently incurable

US researchers doubt the effect of diets and sports 02/17/2015 Biological adjustments prevent many obese from losing weight permanently, according...

Overweight costs people many years of life

Overweight costs many years of life06/01/2015 That overweight and obesity are not healthy has already been scientifically proven in numerous...

Overweight No quick success through diet

In case of overweight do not expect short-term success through diet 21.02.2012 Serious diets do not advertise customer success within...

Being overweight can cause cancer diseases

Increased Insulin Levels - Why Overweight Promotes CancerOverweight damages your health. Those who weigh too much not only have an...

Obesity can promote cancer

Obesity can promote cancer: reducing one's weight also reduces the risk of cancer. 30/12/2010 According to the German Cancer Research...

Overweight can cause depression

High BMI as a risk factor for depression An international research team recognized in a study a strong link between...

Obesity can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease at a young age

Physicians are studying the effects of increased BMI in young peopleObesity and obesity often lead to health problems. Researchers have...

Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic

Researchers warn against the spread of obesity and obesity 26.08.2011 Overweight and obesity are currently developing into a veritable epidemic...