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Health News - Page 1919
BGH grades in physician internet review portals may require supporting documents
BGH maintains the principle of anonymity of users(Jur). The operators of a rating portal on the Internet must investigate a...
BGH Disabled people can also speak non-verbally
Communication problems of a disabled person are in the supervision process no reason to renounce the personal judicial hearing. Even...
BGH treatment must be based on the medical standard
Karlsruhe (jur). Doctors must adhere to the "medical standard" in their treatments. Therefore, a treatment error does not occur only...
BfS explains intensity of UV radiation
Website for UV radiation prognosis 05/01/2014 The intensity of UV radiation differs considerably from day to day. Accordingly, the risk...
BfR warning TV cooking shows should endanger your health
TV cooking shows do not pay enough attention to hygiene TV cooking shows have enjoyed great popularity for years. Unfortunately,...
BfR Warning Prime the raw milk before consumption
Experts warn against health hazards caused by germs in fresh milkMilk-fresh milk from the farm is very much in fashion....
BfR hormones in meat and milk
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warns of hormones in meat and milk06/18/2014 The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has...
BFH Premium paid by health insurance reduces tax deduction
The Treasury also has its share in the contribution savings through a deductible tariff in statutory health insurance. As in...
BFH rejects uniform profit determination for joint medical practice
Munich (jur). A supposed partner of a freelance practice is not a co-entrepreneur, if its profit share is measured only...
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