Health News - Page 1805

Depressed, stupid and tired in the winter

The winter beats many on the mind 09/12/2013 The days are getting shorter. One walks dark ones out of the...

Depression Too long waits on medical appointments

First patient congress on depression: patients have to wait too long for therapy sessions 03/10/2011 The Foundation German Depressionshilfe and...

Depression becomes a common disease

Hospital Report 2011: More and more people have to be hospitalized because of depression 29/07/2011 Every fifth German is purely...

Depression is treated too rarely

Depression is treated too rarely in Germany. The result of untreated depression can be suicide. (13.09.2010) In Germany, the depressive...

Depression is not adequately treated

Depression is often treated inadequately 03/16/2014 Three out of four depressed people in Germany receive inadequate treatment. This emerges from...

Depression of fathers can cause premature birth

Mental health of fathers affects unborn childWhen women miscarry, this is a tragic moment for the entire family. Many couples...

Depression Many personalities are affected

Depression: Many Famous Sick in World HistoryAlmost a year has passed since the suicide of German national keeper Robert Enke....

Depression causes billions of costs

Depression causes billions Costs: The widespread disease is the main reason for early retirement and disability 14.04.2011 Depression is a...

Depressions increase physical pain?

Does depression increase the physical pain sensation? Italen scientists have found first evidence. (21.06.2010) Depression can increase the pain perception...