Health News - Page 164

Warning about the first cigarette - just under 70 percent become smokers

British researchers warn about the first cigarette Smoking makes you dependent. Everyone should already know that. But how fast smoking...

Warning of the power resources Golden Root Complex

Authority warns against taking the potency agent "Golden Root Complex" 08/06/2012 The Rhineland-Palatinate state investigation office warns against the purchase...

Warning of Q fever in Horb am Neckar

Village festival canceled after multiple infections with Q fever - source of infection remains unclearAfter the weekend in Horb am...

Warning of medicines Counterfeit Cialis on the market

Doctors and pharmacists should examine means The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) currently informs about counterfeiting of...

Warning of arsenic in our food - children in particular affected

Doctors warn against high doses of heavy metal in certain foodsFood should be free from any negative stress. No one...

Warning about flavors and hidden sugar

Nutrition: expert warns of flavors and hidden sugar11/11/2014 „Food instead of food“: This is an appeal of the well-known German...

Warning about Ambrosia pollen

The district of Herford currently warns against the pollen active plant Ambrosia. (03.08.2010) The landscape authority Herford warns of the...

Warning of aluminum in pretzels

Every fifth pretzel exceeds the limit of aluminum05/12/2014 The popular Bavarian national pastry, the Breze, has fallen into disrepute. The...

Warning Carcinogenic substances found in pregnancy and breastfeeding

"WISO" finds carcinogenic substances in pregnancy and breastfeeding teasThe ZDF consumer magazine "WISO" has had various pregnancy and breastfeeding tested....