Health News - Page 145

Change to private health insurance from 2011

Change to private health insurance from 2011: For employees, the switch from statutory to private health insurance is greatly simplified....

Switch to statutory health insurance for private persons easier

Raising the compulsory insurance limit allows return to the statutory health insurance 13/01/2012 With the turn of the year, some...

Change Less and less inflow to private health insurance

Number of insurance changes in the direction of private health insurance goes down significantly 03/02/2014 Private health insurance is apparently...

Change of health insurance still possible

Special right of termination by contribution increase of the health insurance 01/23/2015 Since the beginning of the year, statutory health...

Alternatives and side effects Risks associated with drug therapy

Avoid risks to patients with drug therapyInteractions, side effects and contraindications are often insufficiently considered when using medication. "The drug...

WDR flip flops mostly contaminated with chemicals

Popular summer shoes often contain toxic solvents and heavy metals07/03/2014 Flip-flops are the ideal summer shoe for many people, especially...

Does cuticle really grow stronger if you cut it more often?

Performs cutting of the cuticles for stronger growth?With the care of the fingernails also the cuticle is of great importance....

Weekly football training slows aging and has a positive effect on our heart health

Football training works against aging and is good for the heart It has already been proven in several scientific studies...

Weekly nutrition courses help people with type 2 diabetes

How to improve diabetes management? Many people in the world are suffering from type 2 diabetes. In the case of...