Health News - Page 1439

Health Is stretching before sport completely meaningless?

Stretching offers no benefits in terms of the risk of injuryProper preparation before exercise can significantly reduce the risk of...

Health Is brownish water from the pipe unhealthy?

Brown water: low nitrate levels problematic in some places Many people are aware that excessive nitrate levels are causing problems...

Health Intensive chewing while eating stimulates our immune system

Chewing on food strengthens the mouth's immune systemSufficient chewing of our food is not only good for digestion. Researchers now...

Health ginger awarded the medicinal plant of the year 2018

Ginger-hot tuber, great effectGinger (Zingiber officinale) was named the medicinal plant of the year 2018 by NHV Theophrastus. In its...

Health in Germany Current health figures presented

The "Health in Germany" report presented today by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) provides an overview of the status and...

Health More and more myopic due to constant use of smartphones

Experts predict more short-sightedness through smartphonesThe use of smartphones and tablets is increasing. However, that does not remain without health...

Health cough phone offers initial diagnosis

Hotline for cough diagnosis is unlocked again 20/11/2011 The silometer allows automated cough diagnosis by telephone. Based on state-of-the-art technology,...

Dogs are often carriers of disease - threatening miniature threadworm infections

Dogs can transmit Dwarf threadworm infections to humansDogs are generally considered the best friend of humans and often live closely...

Health hotline about food allergies

IKK Südwest health hotline on food allergies on June 21 - 66 percent of those affected are women 17/06/2011 The...