Health News - Page 1377

Large Naturopathic survey started

For years there has been a lack of reliable numbers for the non-medical practitioner profession that can be used in...

Large flu epidemic causes highest sickness for years

So many sick leave for flu was not there for ten years Fever, runny nose, chills: This winter, the flu...

Big cold wave will be out in 2016

Techniker health insurance gives the all-clear for the cold wave 2016Winter time is cold time - but despite the cold...

Great successes in the fight against AIDS

Number of new HIV infections worldwide drops to 2.1 million07/17/2014 Great progress in the fight against the immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS:...

Great relief for the body Intervall fast makes you fit and slim

New trend: Fit and slim through Intervall fastMost people who fast for non-religious reasons do so primarily to reduce their...

Great deficits in first aid knowledge

Large Deficits in First Aid Under Laity: A study showed that none of the participants were able to properly execute...

Great addition to cannabis medicines

Cannabis medications for pain therapy05/11/2014 Cannabis has also been used as a medicine in Germany for years. But it is...

Great Britain Babies with three parents

Great Britain: babies with three parents04/02/2015 In the UK, physicians will in future be able to use the DNA of...

Big alarm after fear of the syringe at the dentist

Big alarm from police and fire department about a syringe at the dentist 01/08/2014 The sheer chaos erupted in the...