Health News - Page 1338

Heilmittelwerbegesetz 2013 This is new

On June 28, 2012, the Bundestag also passed amendments to the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act (HWG) with the second law...

Catalog of remedies relevant for sales tax

12/11/2014 From the beginning of July 2015, the 7% reduced sales tax applies only to spas that are eligible under...

Hapless states in medicine

"Mental States": How the healthcare industry invents diseases for profit 02/10/2012 The new book by the medical journalist dr. med....

Healing If animals should heal people

When animals should heal people13/11/2014 Snake venom for hypertension, leech therapy against arthrosis, worms against intestinal inflammation: animals or their...

Nature's healing powers Staying in the countryside promotes good health

Out into nature: doing good for your health through stays in the countrysideIncreasing work pressure and stress endanger health. Relaxation...

Healing power Yellow turmeric is a healing spice

Turmeric: accents in color and taste (aid) - Turmeric is an important spice in Indian cuisine. Fresh tubers taste spicy...

Healthy climate for pain and stiffening

Ankylosing spondylitis severely restricts the everyday life of those affected. Natural healing climates can help 03/28/2012 Look into the sky,...

Canonization of Hildegard von Bingen

Pope Benedict XVI: canonization of Hildegard von Bingen 12/22/2011 Pope Benedict XVI. Hildegard von Bingen wants to pronounce the saintly...

Holy Amaranth The healthy wheat of the Incas

At first glance, the small grains look like grain and are also prepared in the kitchen similarly. Amaranth, however, does...