Health News - Page 1330

Herber Dandelion Healthy cooking with local wild herbs

Wild herbs in the kitchen: The harsh dandelionWith spring, the dandelion not only on the meadows, but also in the...

Tart medlar Best health by stone apples

Tart-sour medlar: The aroma comes after the frostMore and more people are enthusiastic about local fruits from nature. The medlar...

Hepatitis viruses have plagued humanity for millennia

Researchers find hepatitis B virus in Stone Age skeletons Hepatitis B viruses, with more than 250 million infected people worldwide,...

Recognize hepatitis in good time

World Hepatitis Day: Early diagnosis of hepatitis can save lives 07/28/2014 In Germany, about half a million people suffer from...

Hepatitis vaccine for caregivers pays the boss

Employees in nursing professions usually get hepatitis vaccinations paid by the boss02/11/2014 Hired nurses are usually at an increased risk...

Hepatitis Jaundice does not just look yellow

Liver Disease: World Hepatitis Day 2013: Hepatitis often goes undetected 07/27/2013 Hepatitis is one of the most common viral infections...

Hepatitis E More and more infected patients in Germany

Hepatitis E can cause fatal liver failureHepatitis E is an infectious disease that can lead to liver failure in those...

Hepatitis The danger to the liver

In Germany about one million people live with a chronically inflamed liver 08/19/2013 It is not uncommon for people suffering...

Increased hepatitis Chronic cases

Hepatitis remains a problem in Europe 07/27/2014 Under the motto: „Hepatitis: THINK AGAIN“ The World Hepatitis Day will take place...