Health News - Page 1248

More and more children with autism in the US

In the US, five times more boys than girls are affected by autism 03/28/2014 The number of children with autism...

More and more children with antibiotic-resistant germs

Antibiotic treatment of children with urinary tract infection can have dire consequencesIn recent years, researchers repeatedly warn against a possible...

More and more children are suffering from stress and sleep problems

Already 11-year-olds suffer from stress: Experts demand less pressure for children Carefree play with friends while completely forgetting the time....

More and more children are suffering from type 2 diabetes

Children and adolescents increasingly suffer from type 2 diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus. It used to be known as old-age...

More and more children are suffering from sun allergy

Health: More and more children are allergic to the sune (08.07.2010) More and more people, especially children, are reacting with...

More and more children are suffering from obesity

More children with obesity: often lifelong health impairmentsOver the past 40 years, the number of extremely overweight children and adolescents...

More and more children in Germany are prescribed psychotropic drugs

New figures: Doctors are prescribing more and more psychotropic drugs to childrenAccording to a new study, the number of children...

More and more children have back pain

More and more children suffer from back pain. (01.07.2010) More and more children in Germany suffer from back pain. The...

More and more children are suffering a stroke

Increase in strokes in children and adolescents 04/09/2011 The number of stroke patients has increased significantly among children and adolescents...