Health News - Page 1176

Cash registers do not pay for over-the-counter medicines

Patients have to bear the cost of over-the-counter medicines themselves 18/01/2013 The health insurance company does not have to pay...

Kassen partial financing of Pflegereform?

Nursing reform: Government rejects report on partial coffers 09/07/2014 An article of the „South German newspaper“ has suggested that the...

Kassen Strong consequences for bad clinics

Health insurance: Harsher consequences for bad clinics05/25/2014 Patients should be better protected from hospitals with poor patient outcomes or excessive...

Cash registers should query organ donation readiness

Health insurance companies should query organ donation readiness 26.09.2011 Although the number of organ donations according to the German Foundation...

Cash registers should introduce health card quickly

Coalition increases the pressure on health insurances: health card should be distributed faster 30/09/2011 According to a draft law of...

Kassen Senseless spending on health card

Health card could become a millionaire grave 06/28/2013 The electronic health card has already consumed hundreds of millions. However, real...

Cash in billions for useless medicines

Doctors often prefer expensive ones „Me-too drugs“ 27/05/2014 If two drugs have the same effect, the doctor must decide which...

Kassen criticize Bahr's cancer prevention plans

Health insurance companies criticize cancer prevention plans of the Federal Minister of Health07/26/2012 The bill submitted by the Federal Minister...

Cash checks on medical innovations

Health insurance companies demand strict controls for medical innovations 01/07/2013The German health insurance companies demand that new treatment methods be...