Health News - Page 1160

No import of food from Egypt

Do not bring food from Egypt to Germany 27.03.2012 The foot-and-mouth disease is currently rampant in Egypt. The Federal Chamber...

No blood test Cancer diagnosis based on urine?

Cancer diagnosis: Peeing instead of pissing? Urinalysis is one of the oldest methods of studying certain diseases such as kidney...

No antihypertensive in gout

Risk of gout attack due to hypotension 12.03.2012 Gout patients should be particularly careful when taking antihypertensive agents, because under...

No takeover of additional contributions by Hartz IV

The collected additional contributions of some health insurance funds are only occasionally taken over by the Hartz IV authorities. (19.04.2010)...

No subsidy for non-prescription drugs

Federal Administrative Court confirms exclusion of benefitsThe general exclusion of non-prescription medicines from the aid is not legally objectionable. On...

No doctor's GmbH allowed by law

Federal Social Court rejects lawsuit of a psychotherapist: individual practices may not found a capital company 08/16/2012 According to a...

No seat belt for wheelchair users in pedestrian traffic

Federal Constitutional Court: Handicapped has no blame for accidentKarlsruhe (jur). Wheelchair users do not need to strap themselves in their...

No acne treatment during pregnancy

Take care with acne treatment during pregnancy05/26/2013 During pregnancy, hormones can cause many unpleasant side effects, such as long-forgotten acne....

No adequate treatment - Children are often not operated on by pediatric surgeons

Optimal care of children at surgery endangersSurgical procedures on children often present special challenges that actually require specialist training. However,...