Health News - Page 1050

Critically used trisomy tests have been widely used

Controversial trisomy tests used 10,000 times 03/17/2014 Pregnant women can use a blood test to determine if their unborn child...

Critical Discussion on Homeopathy - Effective Medicine or Placebo

Homeopathy - Medicine and Miracle: Dr. med. Utz Anhalt in conversation with dr. Natalie Grams and dr. Norbert AustDebates on...

Critical spread of measles in Berlin

Extension of the measles wave to other regions 03/24/2015 The measles wave in Berlin is drawing ever wider circles and...

Critics call for the abolition of the additional name homeopathy

Additional name Homeopathy should be abolished While some people actually idolize homeopathy, critics refer to the treatment method as charlatanry...

Criticism Too much sugar in Hipp kids instant teas

Foodwatch: Too much sugar in Hipp instant tea, which is also advertised for toddlers 09/05/2012 Is the largest manufacturer of...

Critique trend of burn-out diagnosis

Criticism of sick leave due to burnout syndrome 27/04/2013 Dissipated Germans? Sick leave due to burnout syndrome as „fad“? The...

Criticism of PKV is growing

PKV rejects proposal for market opening of the GKV 04/16/2012 The criticism of private health insurance is growing. Rarely have...

Criticism of inaccurate blood glucose meters

Insulin pumps and blood glucose meters are too inaccurate 27.09.2012 Many blood glucose meters are too inaccurate, according to a...

Criticism of chicane with sick pay

Patient commissioner criticizes funds for pressure on sick-pay recipients08/17/2014 Karl-Josef Laumann, patient representative of the black-red federal government, has the...